
Intervention for More Durable Assistance and Development

Donor/Partner: BMZ/MI Duration: 2021-2022 Location: Ninewa Governorate, Iraq Objectives        The overall aim of this community-based livelihood intervention is to contribute to restoring the foundations for sustainable development by strengthening the capacities of communities to achieve sustained livelihood recovery and [...]


Dignified Support Services for Iraqi Returnees from Abroad

Donor/Partner: IOM Duration: 2021-2022 Location: Ninewa Governorate, Iraq Goal: Iraqi returnee families from abroad are continued to be provided dignified opportunities to re-establish support networks and meet their basic needs through access to emergency livelihoods. Objective: Continue access to [...]


#YouthSpeak-Youth Volunteer Program

Donor/Partner: CORDAID Duration: 2020/2021 Location: Erbil Governorates, Iraq, IKR Summary: The overall project objective is to engage, support, empower local youth from diverse backgrounds to combat GBV, advance gender equality, and to enhance inclusive social cohesion through positive environmental efforts [...]


Supporting Sustainable Economic Empowerment and Development in Dohuk, KRI

Donor/Partner: DCEO/CHEMONICS/USAID Duration: 2021 Location: Dohuk Governorates: Iraq/IKR Summary: The overall aim of this community-based livelihood intervention is to contribute to restoring the foundations for sustainable development by strengthening the capacities of communities to achieve sustained livelihood recovery and economic [...]


Peace-Building and Reconciliation in Bashiqa, Ninewa, Iraq

Peace-Building and Reconciliation in Bashiqa, Ninewa, Iraq Donor/Partner: Church of Sweden Period: 2019 Place: Bashiqa Overall Goal: The proposed project seeks to strengthen and empower communities of Bashiqa and meet the critical gaps in peace-building and conflict resolution tools [...]