Services Provided: Psycho-social support, legal aid and livelihood

Project Objective: Provide legal and psycho-social support, vocational training and family based support and care for residents of Shariya camp

Project Description: Changes in gender roles are accelerated in situations of conflict as women are forced to assume responsibilities previously held by men. Most of the families of the displaced are headed by women. As a result of additional responsibilities and lack of income, women are in constant battle, both physically and psychologically, to meet the needs of daily life.

Through our vocational training and psycho-social support activities, we effectively reduced their psychological well-being and productively empowered numerous women to put their knowledge and skills to use and become financially independent.

Project Impact:  The project reached out to a total of 250 women who have benefited from the vocational activities, and psycho-social and legal services provided by WRO staff.

Project funded by: UNHCR