Project Description
Timeline: October 2014 – December 2014
Project Objective: Reduce vulnerability of Iraqi IDPs fleeing from Sinjar and Nineveh plains through ensuring access and a referral system including counseling and psychosocial support services for women and adolescents girls among IDPs and in host and affected communities.
Project Description: Two women counseling and support centers with child friendly spaces were opened in Shekihan and Bahirka to support IDP women and children who fled from ISIS. The center provides psychosocial support to traumatized women, awareness sessions on gender based violence, and life coping skills. A side from hosting women in the center, a team makes house to house visits to outreach women. Teachers in schools were trained on how to educate adolescent women on health coping and life skills
Project Outcomes: The project reached out to 1,200 women from Sinjar and Nineveh, 418 high-school girls and 160 parents from host communities.
Funded by: UNFPA