Project Description
Provision of Child Protection services for camp population south of Mosul Jadaah camps
Donor/Partner: UNICEF
Duration: 4/2018-4/2019
Place: Jadaah camps 2,3,4,5
Key Activities:
- Support of community-based structures (CP committees)
- 5 community centers
- Structured PSS to children (5-18)
- Referrals
- Adolescent Girls Program
- GBV case management
- Awareness raising and trainings on CP related issues
Program Output 1: Community-based child protection mechanisms are strengthened and caregivers and community members gain and use their knowledge and capacity to better support and protect children.
Program Output 2: Children, adolescent boys and girls in need access to sustained psychosocial support and GBV services.
Program Output 3: Conflict affected children, adolescent, adults and community capacity to response to CP is strengthened on key identified child protection issues.
IDP Camp-based Child-Friendly Spaces (CFSs) operational
Community-based child protection structures established or supported
Children and Caregivers of community-based child protection structures trained on CP related issues
Children and adolescents participated in structured and sustained psychosocial support programs
Adolescent community-based group established
Child GBV Survivor Cases Managed and received support care
Children at risk identified and referred to specialized services
Children and Caregivers participated in awareness raising activities on CP issues