Project Description

Combating protracted psychosocial challenges for GBV survivors and enhancing community support for GBV prevention in Salamiyah Camp

Donor/Partner: Iraq Humanitarian Fund (IHF)

Duration: 4/2018-12/2018

Place: Salamiyah 2 camp

Key activities:

  • Conduct service mapping and develop/contribute to GBV referral pathways.
  • Provide structured PSS and case management for GBV survivors and those most at risk, when needed to refer to specialized services.
  • Provide structured recreational activities to women, girls, boys and men.
  • Provide special program for adolescent girls based on Adolescent Girls Toolkit, Iraq.
  • Conduct training of community groups on GBV topic with special attention to men.
  • Conduct awareness raising activities on GBV issues through outreach activities, awareness raising sessions, mass information dissemination.


Overall Objective: Meet GBV protection needs of the most vulnerable through integrated response and prevention service provision.

Outcome: Risk of GBV reduced and quality of response strengthened

  • GBV Survivors and those most at risk access culturally appropriate and competent GBV prevention and response services.
  • Communities are made aware of critical GBV protection and response information



Women, men, girls and

boys participated in

structured, sustained

psychosocial support (PSS)

or resilience programs


Girls, boys, women and

men with specific needs

referred to specialized

services and assistance


Girls, boys, women and

men reached through

awareness and sensitization



Girls, boys, women and

men community members

trained on protection

approaches or issues,

including GBV


Community GBV Safety

Audits Conducted