Project Description

Donor/Partner: UNICEF

Duration: 2021-2022

Location: Ninewa, Jaada IDP Camp, Iraq


This project is intended to ensure continuity of GBV prevention and response services to IPDs in Jad’ah 5 camp through the following results and activities:

Result 1: Women and child survivors of GBV have increased access to specialized case management and PSS services:

1)  Support 2 static women safe space community centres and 2 GBV mobile teams to provide services

2)  Maintaining/bolstering existing PSEA Reporting mechanisms.

3)  Provide GBV PSS structured programs using “Adolescent Girls Toolkit” which will consist of 8 sessions for girls and the minimum of 2 sessions for the mothers (caregivers) “Arabic Women Speaking”, “Non-Specialized PSS Groups for Women Toolkit”, and “Child and Youth Resilience Program” or “Covid-19 PSS and Learning Kit for Adolescents 14-17 (for potential male survivors/at risk), and individual PSS and PFA.

4)  Provide GBV case management for and referrals for other specialized services – case management will include thorough survivor-centred GBV Case Management.

5)  Provide life skills, recreational/vocational activities for women and girls.

6)  Awareness raising and community outreach activities on GBV and health issues such as COVID-19 prevention or response

7)  Conduct 2 GBV assessments to identify and analyse gaps, trends and share the reports with UNICEF and GBVSC

8)  Support newly arrival families and prepare vulnerable girls/women and other children for their departure from Jad’ah camp to other areas of return (documentation of case files and coordination with agencies working in areas of return to follow-up children/women at risk; counselling support to returning children/women to prepare them for their return; coordination with camp management, IOM and CPSC to support organized return)



Individuals Received GBV, or PFA support services


Individuals received awareness sessions and received information on GBV prevention and response


Women participating in PSS and economic empowerment training programs

3 Community Safety Audits conducted