Project Description

Donor/Partner: BMZ/MI

Duration: 2021-2022

Location: Ninewa Governorate, Iraq


The overall aim of this community-based livelihood intervention is to contribute to restoring the foundations for sustainable development by strengthening the capacities of communities to achieve sustained livelihood recovery and economic resiliency. The focus is on promoting gender equality at the local level, improving household/community livelihood, contributing to local economic recovery, and enhancing social cohesion.

Outcome 1: Women and men returnees and stayees have increased self-sustainability and income through strengthened capacity in livelihoods activities in a context of peaceful community cohesion

Output 1.1: Women and men returnees and stayees in the catchment area have successfully reopened or established new businesses with the provided business grants or in-kind assistance and vocational/technical trainings.

-450 households disaggregated by gender, persons with disabilities and ethno-religious groups started businesses after receiving business cash grants, in-kind assistance and technical or vocational trainings

– 450 households disaggregated by gender and ethno-religious groups reported that their business and market management knowledge is increased

Output 1.2: Community members and related partners have received capacity building in equal participation and community cohesion and resiliency

-475 (450 participants + 25 staff/key stakeholders) program participants and/or key stakeholders, disaggregated by gender, persons with disabilities and ethno-religious groups who received trainings on of gender quality and combating violence against women.

-12,000 community members disaggregated by gender, persons with disabilities who received mass information on of gender quality and combating violence against women.