Project Description
Self-resilience and empowerment through integrated CP, GBV, MHPSS, Livelihoods Project in Ninewa, Dohuk, and Erbil Governorates Phase I
Donor/Partner: BPRM
Duration: 9/2017-9/2018
Location: Erbil and Ninewa Governorates: Koya, Zakho, Zummar
Summary: The overall project goal is to reduce the risk of GBV and CP violations through comprehensive MHPSS, economic empowerment, and community-based activities that bolster self-resilience and strengthening peaceful coexistence among IDP, returnees, and host communities.
Project Objectives:
Objective 1) Reduced Risk of GBV and strengthen MHPSS service provision through improved access to culturally appropriate quality prevention and response services for survivors of SGBV and those most at risk though a survivor centered approach.
Objective 2) Strengthen access to child protection services for the immediate and future benefit of girls, boys by providing child friendly space (CFS) offering non-formal psychoeducation and support service activities to children made vulnerable to social and educational de-stimulation, sexual and child abuse and neglect.
bjective 3) Improved peaceful coexistence and promote harmonious living among IDP, returnees, and host community families with activities that build capacity and are sustainable and transferrable to communities and local authorities.
Objective 4) Strengthen women and adolescent girls’ economic empowerment through practical livelihoods and life skill programs, promoting women as agents of change.
Received GBV, MHPSS, or PFA support services
Participated in awareness sessions and received information on GBV prevention and response
Received Child Protection Services including non-formal education, attending friendly-spaces, and receiving MHPPS and PFA support care
Caregivers and children participating in sessions and received awareness on CP related issues
Women participating in economic empowerment training programs
Participated in community based peaceful coexistence activities including Tea Groups, Trainings, and Peaceful Coexistence Committee’s
9 Community Safety Audits conducted
3 Peaceful Coexistence Committees established
21 Peaceful Coexistence activities held