Project Description
Funded by: UNICEF
Timeline: November 2016 – February 2017
This project was aimed at increasing child protection in Qayarra and the surrounding area. This project seeks to raise awareness on child protection (CP) & local children protection services in the area and assist children in reclaiming their own rights to a childhood. The project will run an awareness campaign on CP and conduct assessments to provide those in need access to PFA, PSS and other specialized services. The use of recreational activities, informal education and child friendly spaces will serve as PSS for children within the community.
Project Outcomes/Achievements: Mobile outreach teams conducted tent to tent/family to family visits in Jaada camp, gathering basic information and assessing needs such as; family make up, basic background, basic and specialized needs. In these visits the outreach teams, joined by social workers and CP officers, also provided information regarding CP awareness, available CP services and general camp services information. During mobile outreach visits and in center courses, activities were delivered focusing on CP issues such as smoking, child labour, using toy guns in the camp and how this affects other children, importance of sending children to school for parents, staying safe at night especially to FHHs, the importance of hygiene and self-care, kerosene safety and safety for children at night, GBV protection messages for adolescent girls, and the importance of proper protection during the winter months. During the project 58 UASC cases were identified and referred to HAI. The cases ranged from cases where children were living with other family members, father is deceased and instances where a parent has left the child due to severe psychological distress.
During the reporting period staff received training and capacity building in the following areas; case management and evaluation form guidance (conducted by WRO), PFA, CRP & GBV (conducted by HAI, WRO, NCSON), CP SoP’s and Do No Harm principles (conducted by WRO).
Social workers and CPO, in conjunction with the mobile team members, worked together to provide critical frontline PFA to children of all ages. The project has initiated PFA for 1718 children (830 girls & 888 boys). Children and parents alike were displaying signs of traumatization from life under ISIS and displacement alongside emotions such as loneliness, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, stress, aggressive behaviors, phobia, fears, crying, and isolation. Through the incorporation of awareness raising approaches with non-formal recreational activities, qualified teachers lead classes on topics such as health awareness, English language, Arabic language mathematics, science, drawing and sport. Through this project 529 (255 girls & 274 boys) received PSS and 275 (131 girls & 274 boys) were identified and referred for specialized services.